A new cordless steam mop (and vacuum) is hitting Aussie shores

Pictured: Tineco FLOOR ONE S7
// A new way to blow off steam
Anula Wiwatowska
Apr 10, 2024
Icon Time To Read1 min read

Vacuum cleaner manufacturer Tineco has come out with its first cordless steam mop, vacuum hybrid. Successor to the Floor One S5 Steam, the Floor One S7 Steam is a stick vacuum, mop, and steam mop in one.

The steam mop portion heats up to 140 degrees celcius, effectively steralising 99.99% of surface bacteria. As it cleans, the device also enables a self-cleaning system for the mop brush head. An internal brush scraper pulls the debris off, sucking up the dirty water while rinsing the brush again with fresh water and steam. Once put on its stand, the S7 Steam has an additional self cleaning cycle to minimise moisture and grime build up on the brush.

Using an iLoop Smart Sensor, the S7 Steam automatically adjusts suction and water flow depending on how much debris is present. Using the automatic mop and suction setting, Tineco claims the battery will last around 40 minutes, and with steam aronud 20. For comparison, the eufy Mach V1 Ultra steam mop and vacuum is rated to 82 minutes. According to data from Tineco's Lab, the battery in the Floor One S7 Steam should deteriorate slower however, lasting triple the number of cycles than other vacuum manufacturers.

Weighing in at 4.89kg it sure is a heavy device (even heavier than the hefty Hoover Pet vacuum), but also has a "self-propulsion feature" which Tineco claims should let you clean hard surfaces without fatigue.

The S7 Steam is currently available at JB Hifi for $1,199 with more Australian retailers to follow.

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Anula Wiwatowska
Written by
Anula is the Home and Lifestyle Tech Editor within the Reviews.org extended universe. Working in the tech space since 2020, she covers phone and internet plans, gadgets, smart devices, and the intersection of technology and culture. Anula was a finalist for Best Feature Writer at the 2022 Consensus Awards, and an eight time finalist across categories at the IT Journalism Awards. Her work contributed to WhistleOut's Best Consumer Coverage win in 2023.

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