All Rebel Ship Components in Star Wars: Squadrons

A full breakdown of every Component currently available for the X-wing, Y-wing, A-wing, and U-wing New Republic ships.

Nathan Lawrence
Jul 24, 2020
Icon Time To Read15 min read

Let’s not dillydally on this for too long because there are a whole mess of words to scroll through below, all of which have been gleaned from the Hangar screen where you can change the loadout and pick cosmetic options for your ships in Star Wars: Squadrons.

There are six categories for every New Republic ship, with multiple entries per category, which adds up to a lot of Component options, some of which are unique to specific classes. Read on for the full breakdown of Components for the X-wing (Fighter), Y-wing (Bomber), A-wing (Interceptor), and U-wing (Support) starfighters.

Hyperjump over to our companion articles on why the Imperials have better ships by default in Squadrons and a full breakdown of every Component for the Galactic Empire starfighters.

The descriptions, values, and total number of Components for the New Republic starfighters is likely to change before Star Wars: Squadrons releases in October. When Squadrons launches, you can play it on PC, PlayStation 4 (with VR for both platforms) or Xbox One, and we reckon it'll be playable when the next-gen Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 launch, too.

All X-wing Components in Star Wars: Squadrons

The X-wing is the Fighter for the New Republic and its Components in Squadrons are split across six core categories, with a mix of some already unlocked and available to use, and others that need to be purchased with earnable Requisition points.

The text, descriptions, and values are all transcribed directly from a preview build of Squadrons.

X-wing Primary Weapon Components

There are five Primary Weapon options for the X-wing.

Standard Taim & Bak KX8 Laser Cannon

“Deals good damage at a decent rate with an average capacity. A great all-around choice but doesn’t excel in any category.”

  • Rate of Fire: 7.5 Shots/Second
  • Recharge Rate: 9.00 Energy/Second
  • Ammo Capacity: 182
  • Max DPS: 450.11
  • Range: 1,000.00m
  • Projectile Speed: 2,000.00m/s
  • Automatic
  • Normal

Czerka Burst Cannon

“Rapidly fires several long-range projectiles in a burst, but then has a short delay. Ideal for dealing a lot of damage quickly and if you have good aim.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Rate of Fire: 4.0 Shots/Second
  • Recharge Rate: 4.00 Energy/Second
  • Ammo Capacity: 48
  • Max DPS: 480.00
  • Range: 1,000.00m
  • Projectile Speed: 2,000.00m/s
  • Burst
  • Normal

Czerka Guided Burst Cannon

“Rapidly fires several long-range lasers in a burst, but then has a short delay. It’s much easier to hit foes than the unguided laser but deals less damage per shot.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Rate of Fire: 4.0 Shots/Second
  • Recharge Rate: 4.00 Energy/Second
  • Ammo Capacity: 48
  • Max DPS: 172.80
  • Range: 1,000.00m
  • Projectile Speed: 2,000.00m/s
  • Burst
  • Normal

Krupx JR-89 Ion Cannon

“Deals high damage to shields and can disable Starfighters and subsystems.”

  • Rate of Fire: 8.0 Shots/Second
  • Recharge Rate: 9.00 Energy/Second
  • Ammo Capacity: 140
  • Max Ion DPS: 1,680.00
  • Range: 1,000.00m
  • Projectile Speed: 2,000.00m/s
  • Automatic
  • Normal

Plasburst Laser Cannon

“The longer you hold the button, the more powerful the shot will be when you release. Has a short max range.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Charge Weapon
  • Rate of Fire: 1.0 Shots/Second
  • Max DPS: 882.00
  • Range: 600.00m
  • Projectile Speed: 2,000.00m/s
  • Single Shot
  • Close Range

X-wing Left and Right Auxiliary Components

There are seven Auxiliary options for the X-wing, two of which can be active at any one time, split across Left and Right Auxiliary slots.

Kryotech Emergency Repair Droid

“Regenerates hull integrity over a short duration. Stay alive longer, even when under fire.”
Hull Healing Over Time: 50.00 HP/s

  • Cooldown: 30.0s
  • Duration: 8.0s

Krupx MG5 Concussion Missile

“Aim at the target until you lock on, then press the button to fire. Will chase your target and deal solid damage. Double-tap to fire without a lock.”

  • Lock-on Time: 2.00s
  • Lock Zone: 2.50
  • Cooldown: 4.25s
  • Ammo Capacity: 6
  • Homing Weapon
  • Lock-on Range: 1,000.00m
  • Medium Tracking
  • Damage: 1,000.00

Krupx MG7-A Proton Torpedo

“Deals very high damage from long range, but has a very long lock on time. Ideal against Capital Ships.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Lock-on Time: 2.00s
  • Lock Zone: 2.50
  • Cooldown: 10.00s
  • Ammo Capacity: 2
  • Lock Required
  • Lock-on Range: 1,500.00m
  • Homing Weapon
  • Low Tracking
  • Damage: 4,000.00
  • Minimum Lock-on Range: 500.0m

Gyrhil EP Ion Missile

“Lock-on projectile that disables Starfighters. Deals high shield and subsystem damage on Capital Ships. Double-tap to fire without a lock.”

  • Lock-on Time: 1.00s
  • Lock Zone: 2.50
  • Cooldown: 20.00s
  • Ammo Capacity: 6
  • Homing Weapon
  • Lock-on Range: 1,500.00m
  • Medium Tracking
  • Ion Damage: 6,000.00

Chempat Emergency Assault Shield

“Receive significantly less damage from the front for a duration. Great for attacking Capital Ships.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Cooldown: 20.00s
  • Duration: 3.00s
  • Incoming Damage Multiplier: 0.10

ArMek Barrage Rockets

“Rapidly fires missiles straight ahead. Capable of dealing very high damage if your aim is true or you’re close enough that it doesn’t matter.”

  • Rate of Fire: 4.0 Shots/Second
  • Projectile Speed: 1,000.00m/s
  • Cooldown: 0.25s
  • Ammo Capacity: 40
  • Range: 1,000.00m
  • Damage: 100.00

Krupx Ion Torpedo

“Deals very high shield and subsystem damage. Has a very long lock-on time, but can fire from long range. Ideal vs Capital Ships.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Lock-on Time: 3.03s
  • Cooldown: 25.00s
  • Ammo Capacity: 1
  • Lock Required
  • Lock-on Range: 1,500.00m
  • Low Tracking
  • Area of Effect: 125.00m
  • Ion Damage: 24,000.00
  • Minimum Lock-on Range: 500.0m

X-wing Countermeasures Components

There are three Countermeasures options for the X-wing.

ArMek H/M Seeker Warheads

“Fires multiple projectiles behind you that intercept missiles locked on to you. Is effective even when turning and at long ranges.”

  • Cooldown: 12.00s
  • Ammo Capacity: 4
  • Range: 2,275.00m
  • Number of Targets: 2

Particle Burst

“Drop a cloud behind you that breaks locks and stops all auxiliary projectiles. Fly straight to ensure missiles hit the cloud. Can protect Capital Ships.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Cooldown: 9.00s
  • Ammo Capacity: 3
  • Life Span: 3.00s
  • Area of Effect: 200.00m

Melihat Sensor Jammer

“All locked-on missiles lose you as a target and no-one can lock on to you for a duration. Always effective at any range, but with a long cooldown.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Cooldown: 26.00s
  • Ammo Capacity: 1
  • Duration: 4.00s

X-wing Hull Components

There are seven Hull options for the X-wing.

Incom Ferroceramic Hull

“No bonuses or drawbacks. A good all-around choice, but doesn’t excel in any category.”

Slayn & Korpil Laminasteel Hull

“Your ship takes much less damage from Auxiliary components like missiles, but takes more damage from Primary components like lasers.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Secondary Damage Modification: -50%
  • Primary Damage Modification: +20%

Chempat Deflector Hull

“Increased shields, decreased hull integrity. Useful because shields regenerate while hull integrity doesn’t.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Shield Max Health: 30%
  • Max Health: -35%

Fabritech Dampener Hull

“Enemies take longer to lock-on to you, but you have less hull integrity. Counters lock-on weapons such as Tractor Beams and Ion Missiles.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Lock-on Adjustment: +100%
  • Max Health: -10%
  • Sensor Jammer

Slipstream Light Hull

“Trade hull integrity to turn and change speed faster. Ideal for hit-and-run tactics and out-flying foes.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Acceleration Modifier: 15%
  • Manoeuvrability Modifier: 15%
  • Max Health: -20%

Carbanti Reflec Hull

“Prevents enemies from targeting you at long range, but your hull integrity is lower.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Max Health: -30%
  • Self Stealth
  • Self Stealth Range: 1,500.00m

Koensayr Reinforced Hull

“Increased hull integrity, but turning and changing speeds takes longer. Ideal if you’d rather take more incoming fire than usual.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Max Health: 60%
  • Acceleration Modifier: -35%
  • Manoeuvrability Modifier: -25%

X-wing Shield Components

There are eight Shield options for the X-wing.

Standard Incom Deflector Shield

“A standard deflector shield that provides a good balance between damage resistance and energy regeneration.”

Sirplex Nimble Deflector

Max shields are reduced in exchange for rapid regeneration. Great for hit-and-run tactics.

  • Requisition unlock
  • Shield Regeneration: +100%
  • Shield Max Health: -30%

Fabritech Scrambler Shield

“Significantly increases enemy lock-on time if you have 100% shields or higher. Takes longer for shields to start regenerating.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Lock-on Adjustment: +200%
  • Shield Regeneration Delay: +200%

Krupx Conversion Shield

“When shields reach zero, exchange ammo for a brief but nearly invincible barrier.”

  • Requisition unlock

Loronoar Ray Shield

“Your ship takes much less damage from Primary components like lasers, but takes more damage from Auxiliary components like missiles.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Primary Damage Modification: -25%
  • Secondary Damage Modification: 50%

Overloaded Shield

“Extremely powerful shield with low regeneration rate. Reduces all damage, but shields will not regenerate if fully depleted.”

  • Secondary Damage Modification: -50%
  • Primary Damage Modification: -25%
  • Shield Regeneration: -75%

Gyrhil Resonant Shield

“Rapid laser ammo generation when shields are fully Overcharged. Lower max shields.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Bonus Laser Regeneration: +100%
  • Overcharged Regeneration: -50%
  • Shield Max Health: -25%

Chempat Fortified Deflector

“Max shields are higher but regenerate slowly. Allows you to survive significantly more enemy fire.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Shield Max Health: 20%
  • Shield Regeneration: -20%

X-wing Engine Components

There are seven Primary Weapon options for the X-wing.

Incom Sublight Engine

“No bonuses or drawbacks. A good all-around choice, but doesn’t excel in any category.”

Quadex Jet Engine

“Significantly increases generation and usage of boost. Great for frequent bursts of high speed.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Boost Charge Rate: +100%
  • Boost Usage Rate: 150%

Unstable Sublight Engine

“You’re faster and can change speeds quickly, at the expense of hull integrity. When defeated, you create an explosion that can destroy nearby enemies.”

  • Acceleration Modifier: 10%
  • Max Speed: 10%
  • Max Health: -25%
  • Shield Max Health: -25%
  • Unstable: Self-destructs when eliminated

Koensayr Microthrust Engine

“Slower max speed and acceleration, but with faster turns. Great for keeping starfighters in your sights.”

  • Manoeuvrability Modifier: 30%
  • Acceleration Modifier: -30%
  • Max Speed: -30%

Incom SLAM Engine

“Decreases max speed, but your ship now generates boost if any power is in Engines. The more power, the faster it generates.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Passive Boost Generation Rate: +40%
  • Max Speed: -20%

Quadex Propulsion Engine

“Your ship can reach max speed and stop quickly. Great for out-flying enemies trying to get behind you.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Acceleration Modifier: 100%

Koensayr Thrust Engine

“Max speed is much higher, but acceleration and deceleration are lower. Great for hit-and-run tactics.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Max Speed: 30% (pos)
  • Acceleration Modifier: -30%
  • Manoeuvrability: -30%

All Y-wing Components in Star Wars: Squadrons

Like the X-wing, the Y-Wing Components (the New Republic’s Bomber) break down into a mix of locked and unlocked across six categories. The locked ones are unlocked with Requisition points.

All of the descriptions and numbers are transcribed from a pre-release version of Squadrons.

Y-wing Primary Weapon Components

There are four Primary Weapon Components for the Y-wing.

Standard Taim & Bak KX8 Laser Cannon

“Deals good damage at a decent rate with an average capacity. A great all-around choice but doesn’t excel in any category.”

  • Rate of Fire: 8.0 Shots/Second
  • Recharge Rate: 9.00 Energy/Second
  • Ammo Capacity: 182
  • Max DPS: 472.00
  • Range: 1,000.00m
  • Projectile Speed: 2,000.00m/s
  • Automatic
  • Normal

Krupx Guided Rotary Cannon

“Has a short wind-up time, then fires extremely quickly. It’s much easier to hit enemies than it’s unguided version, but also deals less damage per shot.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Rate of Fire: 16.7 Shots/Second
  • Recharge Rate: 16.00 Energy/Second
  • Ammo Capacity: 600
  • Max DPS: 283.33
  • Projectile Speed: 2,000.00m/s
  • Automatic
  • Warm-up Time: 1.00s
  • Normal
  • Range: 1,000.00m
  • Auto-aim Weapon

Krupx Heavy Rotary Cannon

“Has a short wind-up time, then fires extremely quickly. Ideal if you want high sustained damage or are worried about missing.”

  • Rate of Fire: 16.7 Shots/Second
  • Recharge Rate: 16.00 Energy/Second
  • Ammo Capacity: 600
  • Max DPS: 566.67
  • Projectile Speed: 2,000.00m/s
  • Automatic
  • Warm-up Time: 1.00s
  • Normal
  • Range: 1,000.00m

Krupx JR-89 Ion Cannon

“Deals high damage to shields and can disable Starfighters and subsystems.”

  • Rate of Fire: 8.0 Shots/Second
  • Recharge Rate: 9.00 Energy/Second
  • Ammo Capacity: 140
  • Max Ion DPS: 1,920.00
  • Range: 1,000.00m
  • Projectile Speed: 2,000.00m/s
  • Automatic
  • Normal

Y-wing Left and Right Auxiliary Components

There are nine Auxiliary Components for the Y-wing, which are universal across Left and Right Auxiliary slots.

ArMek Automatic Ion Cannon

“Automatically fires at attacking targets when activated, stripping their shields and disabling them. Ideal for getting attackers off your back.”

  • Cooldown: 19.00s
  • Duration: 21.00s

Arakyd MD-88 Multi-Lock Missile

“Can fire missiles at multiple targets simultaneously. Ideal against groups and turrets. Always costs one ammo per use.”

  • Projectile Speed: 200.00m/s
  • Rate of Fire: 1.0 Shots/Second
  • Cooldown: 10.00s
  • Ammo Capacity: 5
  • Lock Required
  • Lock-on Range: 1,000.00m
  • Max Number of Targets: 4
  • Medium Tracking
  • Lock-on Time: 1.00s
  • Lock Zone: 60.00
  • Damage: 750.00

Czerka Seeker Mine

“Drops a mine behind you. The mine will lock on and chase any enemy that gets too close, exploding on impact.”

  • Cooldown: 6.00s
  • Ammo Capacity: 6
  • Arming Range: 200.00m
  • Life Span: 30.00s
  • High Tracking
  • Damage: 900.00

ArMek Goliath Missile

“Always explodes with a huge blast, even when countered. Ideal for damaging targets that keep avoiding your missiles and groups of targets.”

  • Lock-on Time: 2.00s
  • Lock Zone: 2.50
  • Cooldown: 10.00s
  • Ammo Capacity: 3
  • Homing Weapon
  • Lock-on Range: 1,000.00m
  • Area of Effect: 200.00m
  • Medium Tracking
  • Damage: 1,000.00

Quarrie Composite Beam Cannon

“Hold the button to fire a high-damage beam that lasts for a few moments. Your ship can barely turn while the beam is active. Ideal vs Capital Ships.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Warm-up Time: 1.50s
  • Cooldown: 10.00s
  • Manoeuvrability Adjustment: -90%
  • Range: 1,000.00
  • Max DPS: 1,066.67
  • Duration: 3.00s

Chempat Emergency Assault Shield

“Receive significantly less damage from the front for a duration. Great for attacking Capital Ships.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Cooldown: 20.00s
  • Duration: 3.00s
  • Incoming Damage Multiplier: 0.10

Taim & Bak Ion Bomb

“Ideal against Capital Ships. Rapidly tap the button to drop bombs underneath you. Deals very high ion damage to shields and subsystems, but you have to get close.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Rate of Fire: 1.0 Shots/Second
  • Projectile Speed: 100.00m/s
  • Ammo Capacity: 10
  • Range: 200.00m
  • Ion Damage: 4,000.00

Krupx MG7-A Proton Torpedo

“Deals very high damage from long range, but has a very long lock-on time. Ideal against Capital Ships.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Lock-on Time: 2.00s
  • Lock Zone: 2.50
  • Cooldown: 10.00s
  • Ammo Capacity: 5
  • Lock Required
  • Lock-on Range: 1,500.00m
  • Homing Weapon
  • Low Tracking
  • Damage: 4,000.00
  • Minimum Lock-on Range: 500.00m

Arakyd PW-16 Proton Bomb

“Ideal against Capital Ships. Tap the button to drop bombs underneath you. Deals very high damage, but you have to get close.”

  • Rate of Fire: 1.0 Shots/Second
  • Projectile Speed: 100.00m/s
  • Ammo Capacity: 5
  • Range: 200.00m
  • Damage: 1,100.00

Y-wing Countermeasures Components

There are three Countermeasures Components for the Y-wing.

Particle Burst

“Drop a cloud behind you that breaks locks and stops all auxiliary projectiles. Fly straight to ensure missiles hit the cloud. Can protect Capital Ships.”

  • Cooldown: 9.00s
  • Ammo Capacity: 3
  • Life Span: 3.00s
  • Area of Effect: 200.00m

Melihat Sensor Jammer

“All locked-on missiles lose you as a target and no-one can lock on to you for a duration. Always effective at any range, but with a long cooldown.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Cooldown: 26.00s
  • Ammo Capacity: 1
  • Duration: 4.00s

ArMek H/M Seeker Warheads

“Fires multiple projectiles behind you that intercept missiles locked on to you. Is effective even when turning and at long ranges.”

  • Cooldown: 12.00s
  • Ammo Capacity: 4
  • Range: 2,275.00m
  • Number of Targets: 2

Y-wing Hull Components

There are three Hull Components for the Y-wing.

Incom Ferroceramic Hull

“No bonuses or drawbacks. A good all-around choice, but doesn’t excel in any category.”

Koensayr Reinforced Hull

“Increased hull integrity, but turning and changing speeds takes longer. Ideal if you’d rather take more incoming fire than usual.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Max Health: 60% (pos)
  • Acceleration Modifier: -35%
  • Manoeuvrability Modifier: -25%

Fabritech Dampener Hull

“Enemies take longer to lock-on to you, but you have less hull integrity. Counters lock-on weapons such as Tractor Beams and Ion Missiles.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Lock-on Adjustment: +100%
  • Max Health: -10%
  • Sensor Jammer

Y-wing Shields Components

There are four Shields Components for the Y-wing.

Standard Incom Deflector Shield

“A standard deflector shield that provides a good balance between damage resistance and energy regeneration.”

Overloaded Shield

“Extremely powerful shield with low regeneration rate. Reduces all damage, but shields will not regenerate if fully depleted.”

  • Secondary Damage Modification: -50%
  • Primary Damage Modification: -25%
  • Shield Regeneration: -75%

Loronoar Ray Shield

“Your ship takes much less damage from Primary components like lasers, but takes more damage from Auxiliary components like missiles.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Primary Damage Modification: -25%
  • Secondary Damage Modification: 50%

Krupx Conversion Shield

“When shields reach zero, exchange ammo for a brief but nearly invincible barrier.”

  • Requisition unlock

Y-wing Engine Components

There are four Engine Components for the Y-wing.

Incom Sublight Engine

“No bonuses or drawbacks. A good all-around choice, but doesn’t excel in any category.”

Unstable Sublight Engine

“You’re faster and can change speeds quickly, at the expense of hull integrity. When defeated, you create an explosion that can destroy nearby enemies.”

  • Acceleration Modifier: 10%
  • Max Speed: 10%
  • Max Health: -25%
  • Shield Max Health: -25%
  • Unstable: Self-destructs when eliminated

Incom SLAM Engine

“Decreases max speed, but your ship now generates boost if any power is in Engines. The more power, the faster it generates.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Passive Boost Generation Rate: +40%
  • Max Speed: -20%

Quadex Jet Engine

“Significantly increases generation and usage of boost. Great for frequent bursts of high speed.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Boost Charge Rate: +100%
  • Boost Usage Rate: 100%

All A-wing Components in Star Wars: Squadrons

The A-wing is the Interceptor for the New Republic, which has access to six categories with a number of unlocked Components and some that require earnable Requisition points to use.

Everything below is transcribed directly from a work-in-progress version of Star Wars: Squadrons.

A-wing Primary Weapon Components

There are four Primary Weapon Components for the A-wing.

Standard Taim & Bak KX8 Laser Cannon

“Deals good damage at a decent rate with an average capacity. A great all-around choice but doesn’t excel in any category.”

  • Rate of Fire: 9.1 Shots/Second
  • Recharge Rate: 6.00 Energy/Second
  • Ammo Capacity: 182
  • Max DPS: 545.45
  • Range: 1,000.00m
  • Projectile Speed: 2,000.00m/s
  • Automatic
  • Normal

Gyrhil R/F Rapid Fire Cannon

“Fires extremely quickly, but with a short clip and short range. Ideal for hit-and-run tactics, and very dangerous up close.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Rate of Fire: 16.7 Shots/Second
  • Recharge Rate: 12.50 Energy/Second
  • Ammo Capacity: 90
  • Max DPS: 666.67
  • Range: 600.00m
  • Projectile Speed: 2,000.00m/s
  • Automatic
  • Close Range

Krupx JR-89 Ion Cannon

“Deals high damage to shields and can disable Starfighters and subsystems.”

  • Rate of Fire: 8.0 Shots/Second
  • Recharge Rate: 6.00 Energy/Second
  • Ammo Capacity: 140
  • Max Ion DPS: 1,680.00
  • Range: 1,000.00m
  • Projectile Speed: 2,000.00m/s
  • Automatic
  • Normal

Plasburst Laser Cannon

“The longer you hold the button, the more powerful the shot will be when you release. Has a short max range.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Charge Weapon
  • Rate of Fire: 1.0 Shots/Second
  • Max DPS: 882.00
  • Range: 600.00m
  • Projectile Speed: 2,000.00m/s
  • Single Shot
  • Close Range

A-wing Left and Right Auxiliary Components

There are six Primary Weapon Components for the A-wing, but you can equip two at a time, split across Left and Right Auxiliary slots.

Incom E-73 Repair Kit

“Regenerate hull integrity over a short duration. Stay alive longer, even when under fire.”

  • Hull Healing Over Time: 36.00HP/s
  • Cooldown: 30.00s
  • Duration: 8.00s

Kessler Quick-Lock Missile

“Has a very fast lock time with a smaller payload, this missile is ideal against fast targets you can’t pin down.”

  • Lock-On Time: 1.25s
  • Lock Zone: 2.50
  • Cooldown: 2.50s
  • Ammo Capacity: 8
  • Homing Weapon
  • Lock-on Range: 1,000.00m
  • High Tracking
  • Damage: 375.00

Carbanti Targeting Jammer

“Temporarily hide from enemy radar. You can get closer to AI ships without being attacked.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Cooldown: 30.00s
  • Self Stealth
  • Duration: 5.00s

Kessler IF-42 Cluster Missile

“Fires a cluster of missiles at the same target. Great against tough targets. Always uses one ammo per use.”

  • Max Number of Targets: 4
  • Projectile Speed: 400.00m/s
  • Rate of Fire: 1.0 Shots/Second
  • Cooldown: 8.00s
  • Ammo Capacity: 5
  • Lock Required
  • Lock-on Range: 1,000.00m
  • Lock-on Time: 0.75s
  • Lock Zone: 9.00
  • Damage: 450.00

ArMek Barrage Rockets

“Rapidly fires missiles straight ahead. Capable of dealing very high damage if your aim is true or you’re close enough that it doesn’t matter.”

  • Rate of Fire: 4.0 Shots/Second
  • Projectile Speed: 1,000.00m/s
  • Cooldown: 0.25s
  • Ammo Capacity: 40
  • Range: 1,000.00m
  • Damage: 100.00

Czerka Seeker Mine

“Drops a mine behind you. The mine will lock on and chase any enemy that gets too close, exploding on impact.”

  • Cooldown: 6.00s
  • Ammo Capacity: 6
  • Arming Range: 200.00m
  • Life Span: 30.00s
  • High Tracking
  • Damage: 900.00

A-wing Countermeasures Components

There are four Countermeasures Components for the A-wing.

ArMek H/M Seeker Warheads

“Fires multiple projectiles behind you that intercept missiles locked on to you. Is effective even when turning and at long ranges.”

  • Cooldown: 12.00s
  • Ammo Capacity: 4
  • Range: 2,275.00m
  • Number of Targets: 2

Particle Burst

“Drop a cloud behind you that breaks locks and stops all auxiliary projectiles. Fly straight to ensure missiles hit the cloud. Can protect Capital Ships.”

  • Cooldown: 9.00s
  • Ammo Capacity: 3
  • Life Span: 3.00s
  • Area of Effect: 200.00m

Carbanti Sensor Inverter

“Redirects a missile locked onto you back towards your target. Only works at very close range.”

  • Cooldown: 18.00s
  • Ammo Capacity: 2
  • Area of Effect: 300.00m

Melihat Sensor Jammer

“All locked-on missiles lose you as a target and no-one can lock on to you for a duration. Always effective at any range, but with a long cooldown.”

  • Cooldown: 26.00s
  • Ammo Capacity: 1
  • Duration: 4.00s

A-wing Hull Components

There are four Hull Components for the A-wing.

Incom Ferroceramic Hull

“No bonuses or drawbacks. A good all-around choice, but doesn’t excel in any category.”

Slayn & Korpil Laminasteel Hull

“Your ship takes much less damage from Auxiliary components like missiles, but takes more damage from Primary components like lasers.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Secondary Damage Modification: -50%
  • Primary Damage Modification: +20%

Carbanti Reflec Hull

“Prevents enemies from targeting you at long range, but your hull integrity is lower.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Max Health: -30%
  • Self Stealth
  • Self Stealth Range: 1,500.00m

Fabritech Dampener Hull

“Enemies take longer to lock-on to you, but you have less hull integrity. Counters lock-on weapons such as Tractor Beams and Ion Missiles.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Lock-on Adjustment: +100%
  • Max Health: -10%
  • Sensor Jammer

A-wing Shields Components

There are four Shields Components for the A-wing.

Standard Incom Deflector Shield

“A standard deflector shield that provides a good balance between damage resistance and energy regeneration.”

Fabritech Scrambler Shield

“Significantly increases enemy lock-on time if you have 100% shields or higher. Takes longer for shields to start regenerating.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Lock-on Adjustment: +200%
  • Shield Regeneration Delay: +200%

Overloaded Shield

“Extremely powerful shield with low regeneration rate. Reduces all damage, but shields will not regenerate if fully depleted.”

  • Secondary Damage Modification: -50%
  • Primary Damage Modification: -25%
  • Shield Regeneration: -75%

Sirplex Nimble Deflector

“Max shields are reduced in exchange for rapid regeneration. Great for hit-and-run tactics.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Shield Regeneration: +100%
  • Shield Max Health: -30%

A-wing Engine Components

There are four Engine Components for the A-wing.

Incom Sublight Engine

“No bonuses or drawbacks. A good all-around choice, but doesn’t excel in any category.”

Koensayr Thrust Engine

“Max speed is much higher, but acceleration and deceleration are lower. Great for hit-and-run tactics.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Max Speed: 30%
  • Acceleration Modifier: -30%
  • Manoeuvrability: -30%

Quadex Propulsion Engine

“Your ship can reach max speed and stop quickly. Great for out-flying enemies trying to get behind you.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Acceleration Modifier: 100%

Koensayr Microthrust Engine

“Slower max speed and acceleration, but with faster turns. Great for keeping starfighters in your sights.”

  • Manoeuvrability Modifier: 30%
  • Acceleration Modifier: -30%
  • Max Speed: -30%

U-wing Primary Weapon Components

There are three Primary Weapon Components for the U-wing.

Standard Taim & Bak KX8 Laser Cannon

“Deals good damage at a decent rate with an average capacity. A great all-around choice but doesn’t excel in any category.”

  • Rate of Fire: 8.0 Shots/Second
  • Recharge Rate: 9.00 Energy/Second
  • Ammo Capacity: 182
  • Max DPS: 440.00
  • Range: 1,000.00m
  • Projectile Speed: 2,000.00m/s
  • Automatic
  • Normal

Gyrhil EM-8V Auto-Aim Cannon

“Deals good damage at a decent rate with an average capacity. It’s much easier to hit enemies than the unguided laser but deals less damage per shot.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Rate of Fire: 8.0 Shots/Second
  • Recharge Rate: 9.00 Energy/Second
  • Ammo Capacity: 237
  • Auto-aim Weapon
  • Max DPS: 211.20
  • Range: 1,000.00m
  • Projectile Speed: 2,000.00m/s
  • Normal
  • Automatic

Krupx JR-89 Ion Cannon

“Deals high damage to shields and can disable Starfighters and subsystems.”

  • Rate of Fire: 8.0 Shots/Second
  • Recharge Rate: 9.00 Energy/Second
  • Ammo Capacity: 140
  • Max Ion DPS: 1,680.00
  • Range: 1,000.00m
  • Projectile Speed: 2,000.00m/s
  • Automatic
  • Normal

All U-wing Components in Star Wars: Squadrons

As the Support ship for the New Republic’s starfighters, the U-wing also has access to different Components across the same six categories. While some of these are unlocked with Requisition points, the Support ships are unique in how they can be specced out.

All of the details below are a direct transcription from a pre-release hands-on preview of Squadrons.

U-wing Left and Right Auxiliary Components

There are nine Auxiliary Components for the U-wing, and two can be active at any one time across the Left and Right Auxiliary slots.

Arakyd Tactical Supply Droid

“Launches a droid that will repair and give ammo to the first ally that gets near it. Keeps your team in the fight. Can have up to 3 active at a time.”

  • Cooldown: 8.00s
  • Ammo Capacity: 6
  • Life span: 60.00s
  • Total Ammo Resupplied: 100%
  • Total Health Healed: 50%
  • Arming Range: 200.00m
  • Range: 900.00m

Taim & Bak Turret Mine

“Drops a turret behind you that will automatically fire at nearby foes. Lasts for a duration, until destroyed or if you die.”

  • Cooldown: 10.00s
  • Ammo Capacity: 6
  • Rate of Fire: 1.0 Shots/Second
  • Projectile Speed: 135.00m/s
  • Life Span: 25.00s

Carbanti Targeting Beacons

“Auto-targets nearby enemies and marks them. Marked targets cannot use countermeasures, take additional damage, and are easier to lock on to for a duration. Helps your team eliminate targets much faster.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Cooldown: 30.00s
  • Lock-on Range: 1,250.00m
  • Marks Target
  • Duration: 20.00s
  • Max Number of Targets: 4
  • Incoming Damage Multiplier: 130%

Gyrhil EP Ion Missile

“Lock-on projectile that disables Starfighters. Deals high shield and subsystem damage on Capital Ships. Double-tap to fire without a lock.”

  • Lock-on Time: 1.00s
  • Lock Zone: 2.50
  • Cooldown: 20.00s
  • Ammo Capacity: 6
  • Homing Weapon
  • Lock-on Range: 1,500.00m
  • Medium Tracking
  • Ion Damage: 6,000.00

Incom Light Tractor Beam

“Dramatically slows down enemy starfighters but has no effect on Capital Ships. Great for catching fast ships, especially on defence. Requires a lock.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Lock-on Time: 2.50s
  • Lock Zone: 90.00
  • Cooldown: 10.00s
  • Lock Required
  • Lock-on Range: 750.00m
  • Slows Target
  • Duration: 7.50s

Czerka Seeker Mine

“Drops a mine behind you. The mine will lock on and chase any enemy that gets too close, exploding on impact.”

  • Cooldown: 6.00s
  • Ammo Capacity: 6
  • Arming Range: 200.00m
  • Life Span: 30.00s
  • High Tracking
  • Damage: 900.00

Loronar Tactical Shield

“Auto-targets a nearby ally you can see and gives them bonus shields on top of their own.”

  • Cooldown: 15.00s
  • Ammo Capacity: 10
  • Homing Weapon
  • Lock-on Range: 2,000.00m
  • Tactical Shield Health: 500.00
  • High Tracking

Krupx Ion Torpedo

“Deals very high shield and subsystem damage. Has a very long lock-on time, but can fire from long range. Ideal vs Capital Ships.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Lock-on Time: 3.03s
  • Cooldown: 25.00s
  • Ammo Capacity: 3
  • Lock Required
  • Lock-on Range: 1,500.00m
  • Low Tracking
  • Area of Effect: 125.00m
  • Ion Damage: 24,000.00
  • Minimum Lock-on Range: 500.0m

Fabritech Squadron Mask

“Temporarily hides all nearby allies from enemy radar. Helps your team ambush enemies or retreat safely.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Cooldown: 20.00s
  • Group Stealth
  • Duration: 10.00s
  • Lock-on Range: 750.00m

U-wing Countermeasures Components

There are three Countermeasures Components for the U-wing.

Melihat Sensor Jammer

“All locked-on missiles lose you as a target and no-one can lock on to you for a duration. Always effective at any range, but with a long cooldown.”

  • Cooldown: 26.00s
  • Ammo Capacity: 1
  • Duration: 4.00s

ArMek H/M Seeker Warheads

“Fires multiple projectiles behind you that intercept missiles locked on to you. Is effective even when turning and at long ranges.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Cooldown: 12.00s
  • Ammo Capacity: 4
  • Range: 2,275.00m
  • Number of Targets: 2

Particle Burst

“Drop a cloud behind you that breaks locks and stops all auxiliary projectiles. Fly straight to ensure missiles hit the cloud. Can protect Capital Ships.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Cooldown: 9.00s
  • Ammo Capacity: 3
  • Life Span: 3.00s
  • Area of Effect: 200.00m

U-wing Hull Components

There are four Primary Weapon Components for the U-wing.

Incom Ferroceramic Hull

“No bonuses or drawbacks. A good all-around choice, but doesn’t excel in any category.”

Koensayr Reinforced Hull

“Increased hull integrity, but turning and changing speeds takes longer. Ideal if you’d rather take more incoming fire than usual.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Max Health: 60%
  • Acceleration Modifier: -35%
  • Manoeuvrability Modifier: -25%

Slipstream Light Hull

“Trade hull integrity to turn and change speed faster. Ideal for hit-and-run tactics and out-flying foes.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Acceleration Modifier: 15%
  • Manoeuvrability Modifier: 15%
  • Max Health: -20%

Chempat Deflector Hull

“Increased shields, decreased hull integrity. Useful because shields regenerate while hull integrity doesn’t.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Shield Max Health: 30%
  • Max Health: -35%

U-wing Engine Components

There are four Engine Components for the U-wing.

Incom Sublight Engine

“No bonuses or drawbacks. A good all-around choice, but doesn’t excel in any category.”

Incom SLAM Engine

“Decreases max speed, but your ship now generates boost if any power is in Engines. The more power, the faster it generates.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Passive Boost Generation Rate: +40%
  • Max Speed: -20%

Quadex Propulsion Engine

“Your ship can reach max speed and stop quickly. Great for out-flying enemies trying to get behind you.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Acceleration Modifier: 100%

Koensayr Microthrust Engine

“Slower max speed and acceleration, but with faster turns. Great for keeping starfighters in your sights.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Manoeuvrability Modifier: 30%
  • Acceleration Modifier: -30%
  • Max Speed: -30%

U-wing Shields Components

There are four Primary Weapon Components for the U-wing.

Standard Incom Deflector Shield

“A standard deflector shield that provides a good balance between damage resistance and energy regeneration.”

Fabritech Scrambler Shield

“Significantly increases enemy lock-on time if you have 100% shields or higher. Takes longer for shields to start regenerating.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Lock-on Adjustment: +200%
  • Shield Regeneration Delay: +200%

Gyrhil Resonant Shield

“Rapid laser ammo generation when shields are fully Overcharged. Lower max shields.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Bonus Laser Regeneration: +100%
  • Overcharged Regeneration: -50%
  • Shield Max Health: -25%

Chempat Fortified Deflector

“Max shields are higher but regenerate slowly. Allows you to survive significantly more enemy fire.”

  • Requisition unlock
  • Shield Max Health: 20%
  • Shield Regeneration: -25%
Nathan Lawrence
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Nathan Lawrence has been banging out passionate tech and gaming words for more than 11 years. These days, you can find his work on outlets like IGN, STACK, Fandom, Red Bull and AusGamers. Nathan adores PC gaming and the proof of his first-person-shooter prowess is at the top of a Battlefield V scoreboard.