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Netflix Not Working? Here’s What to Do.

Let’s troubleshoot your problem so you can get back to Netflix and chill.
Brianne Sandorf
Nov 05, 2020
Icon Time To Read4 min read

Ah, Netflix. Not that long ago, the streaming service made a splash as a disruptor in the video-rental industry. Now, Netflix is so ingrained in our lives that it’s disruptive only when it stops working.

Maybe the weather’s bad. Maybe you’re stuck at home, sick. Or maybe you were just looking forward to a Stranger Things binge. Whatever your circumstances, don’t despair! It’s relatively easy to fix many Netflix error codes. We’ll start with the basics and work up to the more complicated stuff.

Troubleshooting Netflix

There are a lot of possible Netflix errors, and we won’t cover them all in this piece. Netflix has dozens of articles covering different error variations that we simply can’t tackle in one go.

The good news: a lot of them are similar. As a general rule, when you run into a problem, we recommend trying the following:

  • Check your internet connection.
  • Run a speed test.
  • Disconnect your mobile device, TV, or computer, then reconnect.
  • Sign out of your Netflix account and sign in again.
  • Check your account settings.

Got it? Let’s jump to some specific error codes you might be seeing.

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Netflix Error 0041

Device or connectivity issue

If you’re watching Dragons: Race to the Edge and this error message pops up, don’t panic. Either your internet’s not working correctly, or there’s data on your playback device that needs to be refreshed.

For this issue, Netflix recommends that you clear the app’s data and restart your playback device. Or, if the problem seems to be related to connectivity, you can restart your home Wi-Fi network.

If you’re watching on a portable device, try moving around the house to see if you can get a better signal. And if all else fails, you can try a different internet connection, if it’s available, or restore your internet settings to the factory default.

Similar error codes: Error tvq-st-120, Error AIP-704, Error UI-400, Error 12001, Error 5403, Error 11853, Error 1011, Error 1012, Error 1016, Error -11800

Netflix Error 100

iOS device issue

Netflix Error Code 100 is associated with AppleTVs, iPhones, iPads, and iPod Touches. To fix this, try the following:

  • Sign out of your Netflix account, then sign back in.
  • Reinstall the app.
  • Restart your iOS device.

Similar error codes: Error 1001, Error 10023-5009

Netflix Error 7034

Unknown issue

If the basic troubleshooting steps we recommended at the beginning of the article don’t work, you’ll have to contact Netflix customer support directly at 1 (866) 579-7172.

Similar error codes: Error 1004

Netflix Error (AIP-705)

Device or connectivity issue

Like 0041, AIP-705 can go two ways. It can mean that your internet connection just isn’t up to snuff, or it can mean that there’s old information stored on your playback device.

If you can determine that your internet connection is stable, try signing out of Netflix and restarting your Blu-Ray player or smart TV.

Netflix Error NQL.2303

Android device issue

You might get this error message if you have an Android phone or tablet. It means that your Android device is having an issue with downloading Netflix content. You can try our basic troubleshooting steps, but in this case, they may not work. You’ll have to watch The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt on your Xbox or laptop instead.

Netflix Error NQM.407

Android payment issue

This one pops up on Android when Netflix hasn’t received its payment. That doesn’t mean you did anything dishonest. The error could occur because your card’s expired, or because your bank or credit union wouldn’t release the payment, or because there was a problem with your billing address.

Check the payment method on your account. If everything looks good, you’ll probably have to reach out to Netflix and/or your financial institution to learn what’s going on.

Netflix Error S7111-1957-205002

Safari issue

The S7111-1957-205002 issue may pop up when you use Safari on a Mac. You can remove the Netflix data from the browser, or you can force-quit Safari and try again.

Netflix Error S7111-11101

Browser issue

This issue is a Mac-specific browser error. The best way to clear it up is to visit

Netflix Error TVP-832

Connectivity issue

Netflix says that TVP-832 usually indicates an internet connection problem. To overcome this issue, the company suggests trying some or all of the following:

  • Disable protection software, such as VPNs.
  • Restart your playback device.
  • Sign out of your Netflix account, then sign back in.
  • Check your internet connection and restart the modem/wireless router if needed.
  • Connect your playback device directly to your modem.
  • Change your connectivity settings back to the default.

Similar error codes: Error NW-2-5

Netflix Error U7111-5070

Age issue

If you get this error asking you to verify your age, it’s easy to rectify. It just means you created your Netflix account in an area where you have to be a certain age to view mature content. Go to to confirm that you’re not too young to watch Black Mirror.

Netflix Error UI-120

Communication issue

This error indicates that your playback device is having a hard time “talking to” Netflix. To resolve this, try signing out of your Netflix account. If that doesn’t work, restart the device. And if that doesn’t work, you’re going to have to contact the device manufacturer.

Netflix Unexpected Error

Browser issue

When you get an Unexpected Error message, it’s usually because of the device’s browser. Per the error instructions, refresh the page and see if that fixes it. If that doesn’t work, try switching browsers.

How to fix Netflix proxy error

VPN or blocker issues

When you receive a proxy error in Netflix, it could be because you are using a VPN or an incompatible ad blocker. The easiest solution is to switch your VPN or blocker off but if that doesn't work for you, you might need to track down a VPN that still works with Netflix.

How to fix Netflix site error

We were unable to process your request.

This error is a general issue experienced when navigating the Netflix app or website. It typically means there's an issue your browser or internet connection. So follow the steps outlined above to try and remedy those two problems; a hard refresh on your browser, switching browsers, clearing cookies, or refreshing your home network with a modem power cycle.


Here’s a roundup of what we covered in this guide, all in one convenient table.
Netflix error codes
Error codes
Potential causes
Potential fixes

0041, tvq-st-120, AIP-704, UI-400, 12001, 5403, 11853, 1011, 1012, 1016, -11800

Device or connectivity issue

Clear app data; check connection

100, 1001, 10023-5009

Age issue

Sign out, reinstall the app, restart your iOS device

7034, 1004


Call Netflix customer service


Device or connectivity issue

Check connection; sign out and restart your device


Android device issue

Switch to a non-Android device


Android payment issue

Check your account, then call Netflix and your financial institution if you can’t find the problem


Safari issue

Clear browser data; force-quit Safari and reopen it


Browser issue


TVP-832, NW-2-5

Connectivity issue

Troubleshoot internet connectivity


Age issue



Communication issue

Sign out and restart your device; call the manufacturer if needed

Unexpected Error

Browser issue


Other streaming services

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Get a new internet provider

If your Netflix errors are usually related to a bad internet connection, it may be time to look for a new ISP. Here are the most popular broadband plans in Australia this week.