Find internet providers available in New York

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Spectrum — Cable internet
Speeds up to
30% coverage in NY Reliability data not available
$25/mo. *
Speeds up to 50 Mbps
Speeds up to 100 Mbps
Speeds up to 500 Mbps
$70/mo. ^
Speeds up to 1,000 Mbps
5 plans
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T-Mobile Home Internet — 5G Home internet
Speeds up to
44% coverage in NY Reliability data not available
Speeds up to 318 Mbps
Speeds up to 415 Mbps
Speeds up to 415 Mbps
Speeds up to 292 Mbps
Speeds up to 292 Mbps
5 plans
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Earthlink — Fiber internet
Speeds up to
74% coverage in NY Reliability data not available
$39.95/mo. °
Speeds up to 100 Mbps
$39.95/mo. **
Speeds up to 100 Mbps
$39.95/mo. ††
Speeds up to 100 Mbps
$49.95/mo. ‡‡
Speeds up to 300 Mbps
$64.95/mo. ^^
Speeds up to 18 Mbps
$64.95/mo. °°
Speeds up to 75 Mbps
$64.95/mo. ***
Speeds up to 45 Mbps
$64.95/mo. †††
Speeds up to 24 Mbps
$74.95/mo. ‡‡‡
Speeds up to 1,000 Mbps
$79.95/mo. ^^^
Speeds up to 500 Mbps
$79.95/mo. °°°
Speeds up to 25 Mbps
$84.95/mo. ****
Speeds up to 100 Mbps
$109.95/mo. ††††
Speeds up to 100 Mbps
$129.95/mo. ‡‡‡‡
Speeds up to 2,000 Mbps
$159.95/mo. ^^^^
Speeds up to 100 Mbps
$189.95/mo. °°°°
Speeds up to 5,000 Mbps
16 plans
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Spectrum Mobile— Mobile internet
Max network speed
Tello Mobile— Mobile internet
T-Mobile— Mobile internet

Internet provider averages in New York

arrow pointing down at horizontal bar

Average download speed

158 Mbps
arrow pointing up at horizontal bar

Average upload speed

61 Mbps
clock with equal length hands pointing at the 12 and 4 positions

Average latency time

24 ms

Fastest internet plans and providers in
New York

The fastest internet providers can get you gigabit or even multi-gigabit speeds. Not everyone needs a 1,000Mbps connection or faster, but it’s worth the investment if you’re a power user or live in a large household.

Average Download Speed
Average Upload Speed
Connection Type
Learn More
274 Mbps234 MbpsFiber
Empire Access
263 Mbps189 MbpsFiber
262 Mbps142 MbpsDSL

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