What Is a 303 See Other Error?

Chyelle Dvorak
Feb 23, 2022
Icon Time To Read2 min read

A 303 See Other error is a status response code telling you that the URL you’re trying to access is redirecting you to another URL. You’ll receive the 303 See Other error when this communication doesn’t happen correctly.

Instead of diving into the weeds, we’re going to keep this simple and quickly explain why the 303 See Other error happens and what you can do to avoid it. We’ll explain how to prevent this error and what you can do if you run across it.

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Why am I seeing a 303 See Other error?

This type of error isn’t very common, but you’ll most likely see it if the redirection software in your web browser isn’t working. The web uses URL redirection or URL forwarding so that you can access a web page through multiple URL addresses. Sometimes the redirection doesn’t work, and there’s a glitch.

And when there’s a glitch, there’s a 303 See Other error. If you’re using HTTP 1.0 protocol, then you might see a 302 Moved Temporarily message on your computer instead of the 303 See Other error. Both messages refer to the same problem with redirecting you to another page.

Another reason you are running into the 303 See Other error could be because the redirected link was set up incorrectly to begin with.1 If you’re trying to access a link and find it’s not working no matter which device you use, then there might be nothing you can do about it.

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How do I fix a 303 See Other error?

Since it’s unlikely you’ll ever see a 303 See Other error, you probably won’t have to actually do anything to fix it. However, if you do run across this error and want to know what to do, here are some ideas:

1. Reload the web page.

Super easy. If you ever have trouble accessing a link, it always helps to reload the web page. It’s possible that the servers are having trouble connecting or there was a glitch. You should always wait a couple minutes before reloading the page and see if that solves the problem.

2. Access the link through a different URL.

There might be a failure in the link you’re using. A 303 See Other error usually happens when there’s a redirection problem. If you can access the page you’re looking for through one of the other URL options, give that a try. The error could mean that the URL you’re using is broken.

3. Search for the page in your browser.

Sometimes you just need to find a different way to access the information you’re looking for. By searching in your browser, you could find another way to access the data that negates going through the URL that’s not redirecting properly.

4. Check for server issues and try again.

Sometimes servers have trouble redirecting URLs and accessing information. If this is the problem, then waiting for your computer to solve the issue might be all you need to do. Try to be patient and then try the URL later.

Additional reading:


1. CheckUpDown, “HTTP Error 303 -- See Other.” Accessed November 6, 2020.

Chyelle Dvorak
Written by
Chyelle works as a freelance writer for The Daily Beast and edited articles for Forbes, Inc.com, Fox News and other review sites. Chyelle tests, writes, and researches products and services related to internet consumption. She found her passion for public speaking and writing in her childhood when she won the Voice of Democracy speech and essay competition. Chyelle has a degree in International Relations from Crown College, Minnesota. Outside of work, Chyelle loves to spend time reading, kayaking, and running.

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